lisa powell FOR SCHOOL BOARD

  • Current CVUSD parent

  • Social worker and researcher working in public schools

  • Longtime resident of Thousand Oaks and an active community leader

  • Proud product of California’s K-12 public schools and the University of California (UCLA)


“I believe that public schools play a central role - if not the central role - in the creation of a vibrant and successful society.”

— Lisa Powell

COre beliefs

  • I believe that our public schools play an integral role in our community: cultivating the young people in our society is paramount.

  • As an active community member, I view the Trustee role as the best way for me to serve my community at this time.

  • I bring with me a fresh outlook on district issues, much of which comes from my extensive experience in both public schools and our community. 

Lisa Powell standing outdoors with family: husband and two sons